Welcome to the Warren Middle School Band Booster Committee and the Warren Warrior Band Program. We are involved with the promotion and support of the operation and development of the WMS Band Program as well as the support of the activities of the WMS Band Students.
If this is your child’s first year in band, you are beginning a journey that can last a lifetime! The FISD band directors are the best, and they will support your student musically, as well as academically, throughout his/her middle school and high school career. They will also encourage your student to continue playing an instrument in college, which may result in scholarships (a VERY important issue for most of us!).
In 2009, a committee of band parents was organized to provide support for the Warrior Band and its directors. The purpose of this committee is to provide chaperones and raise funds. Funds raised by the Boosters are returned directly to the students by way of scholarships and other activities through the year. Boosters typically coordinate fundraisers throughout the year and provide chaperones for fundraisers and band performances/events. Chaperones are needed to help assist the directors with to provide visible points of contact for the students, in the event they need information or help. I encourage you to set aside time to volunteer and attend WMS Band and Band Booster Events.
The presence and support of parents, relatives and friends that participate with the Boosters and Band Events makes a difference in each band member.
The committee can be contacted at boosters@forneyband.com or follow us on Facebook for information and reminders.
Thank you,
WMS Band Boosters Committee
If you would like to become a parent volunteer, please click on the below link and submit it for district approval.